GetsMe For Teams

From Helping Individuals To Getting Advice On Managing Them

While GetsMe helps individuals understand themselves and grow as people—it gives your team a magic superpower, because it's a place to get guidance on how to work with specific personalities that the system knows.

From Helping Them Grow Their "Work Personality" To Discussing Challenges

On the surface, GetsMe is just about providing a high-quality, 24 hour a day therapist to your team members. But it gets much deeper than that: you can help train your team members to work in the ways you need, and to improve their "work personality" and it's a place where you can discuss your team members and how to manage them.

Help your Team Understand Themselves...

The first step of the master is always to understand yourself, and once you can understand yourself at a deeper level, you can then master the craft you need to, to excel at your profession.

...And You Can Understand Them Better

But GetsMe For Teams also helps teams understand the team members as well, but not just in a theoretical way, but practically: you can discuss with it team challenges with specific people, and it has a good understanding of your team mates' personalities already!

We're now preparing to run beta tests with various HR teams... interested?

We're now starting to boot up our beta HR program. If your company might be interested, let's talk to see if you satisfy our beta requirements.

Just complete this form and let's talk!

Why not drop us a note and see if we might be a good fit?

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This is an EXTREMELY early beta release

If you don’t run into any hiccups, you should feel very impressed (and we will be very surprised).