The empathy-first AI therapist who really gets you.

Share your private anxiety challenges—and get a sympathetic voice & expert advice for you, all confidential.

Someone to listen to you, talk to you, and gently push you with the guidance that your heart already knows.

Designed to be the therapist you are excited to talk to: the right voice, understanding you, accessibly priced.

Old-fashioned therapists don't quite cut it: expensive, judgmental, and often annoying. GetsMe’s AI Therapist is: judgment-free, designed for us, and at a cost accessible to all.

Trained & developed by expert Gen Z advisors, therapists, coaches & counselors.

One of our secrets is that the AI Therapist learns about you as you two interact together—so over time, GetsMe really Gets You.

“Mindfulness”: Been There, Done That.

Share your private and intimate challenges with the AI therapist—and get a sympathetic voice and expert advice for you. Designed to be deeply understanding of what you don’t want to tell your friends.

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This is an EXTREMELY early beta release

If you don’t run into any hiccups, you should feel very impressed (and we will be very surprised).